
Oncology is regarded to be a field that requires utmost precision when it comes to endoprosthesis, both in terms of surgery and implant design. During the pre-op planning phase, the primary goals for the attending surgeon and our bioengineers include not only sufficient removal of affected bone structures, but also restoring the biomechanical functions of the affected area after subsequent replacement with an implant. To achieve this, our implants are designed specifically with the patient’s personal anatomical features in mind using CT/MRI scans and are then manufactured on a specialized 3D printer from medical-grade titanium powder.

Three-flange acetabular cup for large area acetabulum defect reconstruction with additional iliac bone fixation
Three-flange acetabular cup for large area acetabulum defect reconstruction with additional iliac bone fixation

Materials: Titanium Alloy

Three-flange oncological acetabular cup for large area acetabulum defect and pubic symphysis reconstruction
Three-flange oncological acetabular cup for large area acetabulum defect and pubic symphysis reconstruction

Materials: Titanium Alloy

Three-flange oncological acetabular cup
Three-flange oncological acetabular cup

Materials: Titanium Alloy

Oncological acetabular cup with wide flange for resected iliac bone
Oncological acetabular cup with wide flange for resected iliac bone

Materials: Titanium Alloy

Three-flange oncological acetabular cup
Three-flange oncological acetabular cup

Materials: Titanium Alloy

Flanged oncological acetabular cup for pubic symphysis reconstruction
Flanged oncological acetabular cup for pubic symphysis reconstruction

Materials: Titanium Alloy

Triple-fixation oncological acetabular cup
Triple-fixation oncological acetabular cup

Materials: Titanium Alloy

Three-flange acetabular cup for large area acetabulum defect reconstruction with additional iliac bone fixation
Three-flange oncological acetabular cup for large area acetabulum defect and pubic symphysis reconstruction
Three-flange oncological acetabular cup
Oncological acetabular cup with wide flange for resected iliac bone
Three-flange oncological acetabular cup
Flanged oncological acetabular cup for pubic symphysis reconstruction
Triple-fixation oncological acetabular cup

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